Tumby Bay Stormwater Management Plan

The Tumby Bay Stormwater Management Plan was considered and endorsed by Council at their meeting held 9 September 2014.

Council has been successful in winning a combination of Federal and State funding toward the implementation of the works proposed within the Stormwater Management Plan. Works commenced in December 2018 and are expected to be fully completed by August 2020.

Final construction plans for key elements of the plan are available below.

Tumby Bay Stormwater Management Plan - Final(29015 kb)

Tumby Bay SMP - 3a. Drawings - Swale(4667 kb)

Tumby Bay SMP - 3b. Drawings - Landscape Plans(3981 kb)

Tumby Bay SMP - 3c. Drawings - Levee(3759 kb)

Detailed design plans for underground drainage and water quality improvement works, including raingardens and infiltration basins: Tumby Bay Stormwater Drainage Upgrades - Stages 2 and 3(13919 kb)

Detailed design plans for Lipson Road Culvert Upgrade: Lipson Road Culvert Upgrade(1831 kb)

This project will add three raingardens to the Tumby Bay streetscape, two in Mortlock Street and one in McCallum Street. Find out more about what raingardens are and how they improve stormwater quality here:
