Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) provides legislation and guidelines for access and provision of information to the public.

Most information and files held by the District Council of Tumby Bay are available for public viewing. There are a few exceptions, such as personal and personnel records and matters which are subject to litigation, but generally, information is readily available for viewing at no charge or a minimal reproduction charge.

In rare cases, retrieving the requested information involves considerable staff time. It is important to specify what you require as clearly as possible so our staff may quickly and efficiently help you. If extraordinary staff time is required to comply with an information request, charges may apply.

For the year 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, this Council received 10 requests under provisions of the FOI Act.

Requests under the FOI Act for access to documents in the possession of Council should be accompanied by a $40.75 application fee and directed in writing to:

Freedom of Information Officer
District Council of Tumby Bay
PO Box 61

All general enquiries on Freedom of Information Act issues should be directed to Council's Freedom of Information Officer Madison Allen.

Please visit the State Records SA website for further information.

The 2023/24 Freedom of Information Statement includes current FOI fees and charges and a list of documents available for public inspection. It was published on 25 July 2023 in accordance with section 9 of the FOI Act.