Fees & Charges

Pursuant to Section 188 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council is authorised to establish fees and charges for the use of property or facilities, works, services, and provision of materials in respect of any application, authorisation, licence or permit and other matters provided for under any other Act.

The Schedule of Fees and Charges is reviewed by Council on an annual basis and is presented to Council for adoption prior to 30 June each year.

The schedule outlines the fees and charges relating to the following areas:

Animal managementCampingCommunity NewsletterFire Prevention Outdoor Permit
Boat RampCemeteryCouncil DocumentsFood InspectionRate Search
BuskersCommunity BusCWMS AugmentationFuel Pump PermitRoad Rent
By-law Expiation FeesCommunity Meeting RoomDevelopmentHall HireTraders

View the current Fees & Charges effective 1 July 2024.