Consultation Open - Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans (IAMP)

Published 22nd January 2025

The District Council of Tumby Bay is reviewing its Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans (IAMP) to guide our community's growth and sustainability over the next 14 years. These plans will shape decisions on services, infrastructure, and investments while ensuring financial responsibility.


  1. Inclusion of required expenditure on the Tumby Bay Jetty & Port Neill Jetty

    Council's LTFP is structured around obtaining a Cash Advance Loan through the Local Government Finance Authority (LGFA). However, it is essential to note that this loan is not guaranteed and remains subject to approval by the LGFA Board.

    Securing funding for the ongoing maintenance and upgrades of the Tumby Bay and Port Neill jetties hinges on a joint funding approach. Without this critical funding, Council will be unable to proceed with planned works on either jetty.

    In such a scenario, Council would have no alternative but to return the ownership of the jetties to the State Government. This could result in their closure, depriving our community of these valued assets.

  2. Deferral of proposed Foreshore works by 4 years 
  3. Council acknowledges feedback from the community regarding the proposed foreshore mitigation works. The rock revetment wall is seen as critical in the future mitigation of climate change induced coastal erosion and will provide vital protection for foreshore recreation areas and public and private infrastructure within the township.

    Further consultation with the community will occur in 2025 as Council undertakes engagement on the detailed design and alignment of the proposed foreshore wall.

    - 2025/2026 - An allocation of $700,000 has been provided for the early installation of erosion protection to replace the existing section of failed seawall between the Bluewater Café and foreshore conveniences. It is expected that this will deliver a medium-term solution such as a sandbag seawall.

    - To enable the inclusion of remediation on the Tumby Bay and Port Neill jetties, the proposed Tumby Bay foreshore erosion and flood risk mitigation projects have been re-scheduled to later in the revised plan.

Key Highlights of the draft LTFP

1. Tumby Bay Jetty Repair:
Securing the future of the Tumby Bay Jetty through essential repairs to maintain its structural integrity and community use.

2. Port Neill Jetty Repair:
Undertaking critical works to ensure the Port Neill Jetty remains safe and accessible for residents and visitors.

3. Tumby Bay Foreshore Protection Works:
The Council is committed to implementing long-term strategies to protect the Tumby Bay foreshore from coastal erosion and safeguard our natural and built environments.

4. Infrastructure & Asset Maintenance:
Continued provision of high-quality road networks, parks, public assets and public spaces across the district.

5. Financial Sustainability:
Balancing community needs and expectations with available funding to maintain affordable rates for residents.

Proposed Rate Increases

To achieve the infrastructure projects, retention of both jetties and maintain service delivery as outlined in the LTFP, the following increases to your GENERAL RATE* are proposed over the next six years:


Rate Increase in Adopted Plan

Proposed Rate Increase


These increases are necessary to fund key projects such as jetty repairs, foreshore protection works, and ongoing services while maintaining financial sustainability.

Proposed Rates for 2026/27, 2027/28, 2028/29, 2029/30, 2030/31 are based on being 3% above an expected change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 2.5%.

*General Rates do not include waste collection, Community Waste Management System charges, or the Landscape Board Levy.

Jetty Maintenance and Renewal Works

The financial commitment required from the community to continue to fund jetty maintenance and renewal works is significant and requires the Council to raise rates to meet the predicted costings outlined below.

Proposed Tumby Bay Jetty Remediation Costings

Council’s preferred option is characterised by reactive maintenance over the full length of the current structure and is essentially a medium-term solution that initially targets jetty components that are highly deteriorated. It will bring the jetty to a state where it is suitable for use by the public and retains the entire 350m length of the jetty.

It is the only option that the State Government has indicated it will support, having pledged $2.4m to a solution that will see Council renew its lease for the next 15 years.

Costs** for this option are summarised in the table below:



Cost (excluding GST)

Initial works 2025/26



Whole of life costs (50 year design life)

General Inspections


General Maintenance


Asset replacement at 6 years (2030/31)


Asset replacement at 15 years (beyond the life of the LTFP, but required within the proposed 15 year lease period)


Asset replacement at 30 years (beyond currently proposed lease period) $3,323,058


Total cost for 15 year lease period


**Costs are in are in today’s dollars, and do not include inflation and borrowing costs.

Proposed Port Neill Jetty Remediation Costings

Projected costs for the Port Neill jetty include:



Cost (excluding GST)

Complete Initial works 2025/26

Note: First stage remediation completed 2023/24 at cost of $1,354,282


Whole of life costs (50 year design life)

General Inspections


General Maintenance


Asset replacement at 10 years (2035/36)


Asset replacement beyond the currently proposed 15 year lease period is not yet determined


Total cost for 15 year lease period


**Costs are in are in today’s dollars, and do not include inflation and borrowing costs.

Supporting Information can be viewed below, including:

Have Your Say!

We invite you to review and provide feedback on the Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans (IAMP).

Take a look at the information on this page and documents provided above and then choose the way to provide feedback that suits you best.

Return Options:

  • Online Survey: Take a short survey online HERE
  • By Post: Print a copy of the feedback form and return to DCTB by post: PO Box 61, Tumby Bay, SA 5605
  • By Email: To
  • Drop-Off Locations: Print a copy of the feedback form and return to the DCTB Council Office, Tumby Bay Community Library.


District Council of Tumby Bay - Long Term Financial Plan 2024-2039 is available for feedback from 20 December 2024 to 07 February 2025.

Please complete and submit the feedback form online, or print and submit via written submission, and return it to Council by Friday 7 February 2025.

All feedback received will be presented at a Special Council Meeting on 20 February 2025.